Enjoy the following great benefits with ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound:
95% zinc in the dry film using only Type III “ultra pure” ASTM-D-520 zinc
Meets and exceeds Fed. Spec. DOD-P-21035A (Galvanizing Repair Spec);
MIL-P-26915A (USAF Zinc Dust Primer); ASTM Des. A-780 (Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings; SSPC-Paint 20 (Specification for Zinc-Rich Primer)
Passes 3,000 hours salt spray testing without failure (ASTM Des. B117)
Passes Preece Test (ASTM Des. A239) for hot-dip galvanizing
Passes 9-year subtropical testing
Low VOC approved in all 50 states
SO 9001 registration assures the highest quality consistently
ZRC (Cold Galvanizing Compound)
Excluding VAT